
“Reimagining Investments with AutoML Capital Unleashing the Power of AI through ML Brain”

Transforming Investment Through Machine Learning

AutoML Capital stands as a dynamic fintech powerhouse, reshaping investment norms through AI prowess. At innovation's vanguard, it crafts smart, bespoke solutions, driven by the "ML Brain." With acumen in MPF, ESG, and Crypto investments, AutoML Capital pioneers financial evolution.

What is ML Brain

Introducing our innovative investment AI Engine, ML Brain, which embodies a diverse range of functionalities, including MPF investment, ESG integration, and comprehensive management assistance.

Unconventional Thinking, Democratized AI

AutoML Capital provides investors with the most competitive AI technology to protect and grow your asset

Our Flagship Product

Our flagship product is an AI-driven investment fund designed for both institutional and individual investors. It provides a suite of services, including dynamic portfolio management and real-time market monitoring, aimed at balancing growth with risk mitigation. We eagerly anticipate the launch of this flagship product.

MPF Solution

AutoML Capital uses its proprietary ML Brain to provide allocation suggestions to MPF members. The algorithm analyses macro-economic environment, asset class performance, and other technical and fundamental data, together with members’ individual circumstances and risk tolerance level to provide asset allocation recommendation. Members are empowered to make better investment decisions with the ML Brain technology, which allows them to seamlessly optimise their portfolio returns while reducing drawdowns.

AI + Asset Class View


Empower your clients with the best in class AI tools and strategies

Incorporate AI to complement decision making process

All Weather + Artificial Intelligence


Regain your peace of mind by getting our AI engine to manage your portfolio

Enjoy a low volatility portfolio with low cost and decent returns.




$50000 USD Minimum Invesment
1% Annual Management Fee
Daily Redemption


Realtime Visibility to Your Portfolio
Portfolio Under Your Name


Granted SFC's Type 4 and Type 9 licenses. Your assets are held in segregated custody accounts at Citibank

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Awards & Recognition

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ETNet Fintech Award 2023
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ICT Award (2022)
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Global Fast Track Semi Finalist (2022)
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IFTA Gold Award (2022)
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Xpitch Global Top 150 (2022)
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Maker in China Hong Kong Semi Finalist (2022)
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HKAI Lab (2022)
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Hong Kong FinTech Impetus Awards (2022)
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Enterprise Support Scheme (2018)
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Appworks Accelerator Program (2018)
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Croucher Foundation Startup Award (2018)